Syndrome “Been Lying” on Cows’ Farms in Prizren, Kosovo


  • Januz Duraj
  • Vangjel Ceroni
  • Imer Haziri


Downer Cow Syndrome (Downer cow) is increasingly appearing as pathology present in the cows of dairy farms. Reported incidence in the literature of this syndrome in dairy cows is 3.8 – 28 %. The study is focused on clinical monitoring of the Downer Cow Syndrome in cows of farms of Prizren Municipality in Kosovo. This syndrome was found during the period (January 2015 to March 2016) in 30 cattle heads (0.85 %). Most affected cows were they of Frizis breed with 14 cattle heads (49 %), Simental with 7 (23.42 %) and Holstein with 4 cattle heads (12.85 %). The average age of the Downer Cow Syndrome was 8.6 ± 0.3 years. This syndrome was frequently observed during the winter season with 16 cattle heads (52 %) and summer with 10 heads (28.5 %). From clinical examinations were observed these anomalies: hypocalcemia (20 cows or 69.8 %), luxation of the coxofemoral joint (4 cases or 12.57 %), peripheral nerve damage (5 cases or 17.1%) and in 1 case (2.85%) severe mastitis was found. Out of the total number of cases, in 4 cattle heads (13.14 %) downer cow syndrome was observed before calving and in 26 cases (86.55 %) after calving. In 10 cases (32.21 %) cows died or had to be slaughtered after 9.4 ± 04 days.

Keywords: “Downer” cow syndrome, incidence, age, breed, season.




How to Cite

Duraj, J., Ceroni, V., & Haziri, I. (2016). Syndrome “Been Lying” on Cows’ Farms in Prizren, Kosovo. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 5(9), 77–80. Retrieved from



Volume 5, No.9, September, 2016

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