Historical Occurrence And It’s Effect On «Ulan» Genre Perormers’ Repertoire And Uzbek-Kazakh Folklore Connections


  • Imomnazarova Shakhodatbonu Khabitovna Researcher of Institute of Uzbek language, literature folklore of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. City Tashkent


In this paper illuminated one of the Uzbek folk ancient songs “O’lan” genre, which is singing by boys and girls in the national Uzbek folk ceremonies. And also the characteristics of the oldest music genre of the Uzbek nation – “Ulan”. Author supposes examples of “ulan” genre which is quite important for the Uzbek folklore and it is mainly spread among vagrant tribes of uzbek nation. In ancient times, it was used to sing it in weddings, one by one, usually between women and men. It also had a dominant lyric meaning, and got 11 verses and historically connected with weddings. “Ulan” originated from the ancient wedding traditions and motives of this genre developed during the ages and evolved by continuously live performance and there are still alive examples of “ulan” in Fargona, Tashkent, Jizzakh, Samarkand and Navoiy. After all, info on original characteristics of “ulan” is given scientifically by the author. A representative of uzbek ancient oral arts – “ulan” is considered to have common characteristics with lyrics of Turkic nations in Central Asia. As an example author compares “ulan” with kazak folklore genre – “kara olen”. Article is written for specialists in the sphere of national oral arts and to wide public. 

Keywords: foklore, song, o’lan, walk, boys and girls, test.   


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How to Cite

Khabitovna, I. S. (2018). Historical Occurrence And It’s Effect On «Ulan» Genre Perormers’ Repertoire And Uzbek-Kazakh Folklore Connections. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(1), 65–70. Retrieved from https://www.anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/1621



Volume 7, No.1, January, 2018