Language and Style in Literary Creativity of Fatos Arapi


  • Asime Feraj University “Ismail Qemali” Vlore. Albania.
  • Silvana Koço


Fatos Arapi is one of the most outstanding writers in contemporary Albanian literature. His contribution to our literature and national culture is of great value. Grealty appriciated, it has become a reference point for new creators. The word at his pen, from poetry to poetry, decade by decade, from one period of creativity to another, gains extraordinary dimensions. He is the poet of figurative transformations of Albanian word and he can be rightly called the poet of metaphor in our literature. Appreciating and estimating F. Arapi creativity for his linguistic wealth, thematic diversity, and the depth and breadth of expression, I have decided to highlight this linguistic richness, in the belief that this study will complement the appraisal made so far to F. Arapi figure, both in literary and linguistic terms.  The researches on lexicon- semantic features that are typical of the language of the author’s work determine even the nature of the stylistic nature and features of his artistic creativity. His work is not only of extraordinary value, but also it reveals many interesting phenomenon that can be studied from many points of view. Linguistic creativity, the use, rephrasing, regional word leaning towards standard language constitute a linguistic monument.

Keywords:  lexical layer, word formation, phraseology, onomastics, figurative language, connotation.  


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How to Cite

Feraj, A., & Koço, S. (2018). Language and Style in Literary Creativity of Fatos Arapi. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(3), 25–43. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.3, March, 2018