Synharmonism of Inter-Components of the Literary Style Evolution in the Uzbek Literature


  • Tuliboev Khursand Researcher of Karakalpak State University. City Nukus, Karakalpakstan.


The paper deals with the entirety among components of artistic method’s evolutional in the Uzbek novels. And also the category of artistic method controls mutual communication of main is studied scientifically. Overall, category of artistic method controls mutual communication of main and helper. In it the system of text and work gives a psychological process form. Recreated bases of exist information form marks advent of coverage. Identically, if ratio of expression and image consider to express of artistic measure, the ideological-artistic system of association of object is known to appear in apartness of artist. In this mean, differentiating of method requires order of components.  Consequently, changing the meaning program to the project of expression components is the essential condition in the level of artistic method. Historical and organically entirety expresses formed artistic communications in this paper.  

Keywords: system of images, composition method, method of idea, method of creative form.


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How to Cite

Khursand, T. (2018). Synharmonism of Inter-Components of the Literary Style Evolution in the Uzbek Literature. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(6), 66–72. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.6, June, 2018