
  • Islomov Ikrom Khushboqovich


The systematic study of linguistic phenomena in the linguistic field, the specificity of the substance of the language, and the gradual separation of language and speech create a great opportunity for further research. The growing importance of ideological dictionaries that have become popular in world linguistics and social life necessitates lexical-semasiological research on the basis of comprehensive, detailed and logical logic for each linguistic micro system. Because new scientific technology is the best and most effective tool for creating such dictionaries, which requires clarity of lexical-semiological research.

Keywords:   systematic research, substance nature of the language, language, speech, ideological dictionary, lexical-semiological analysis, linguistic micro systems, lexema, word, semema, sema.


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How to Cite

Khushboqovich, I. I. (2018). THE SYSTEMIC NATURE OF LEXIS AND IDEOGRAPHIC DICTIONARIES. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(11), 13–19. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.11, November, 2018