The Canon for the Study of Literature


  • Mimoza Hysa


Different surveys in this field bring into our attention some important questions concerning the teaching of literature in schools: Is it possible to find new ways to study and present literature?  Can the literature be an offered literature and not a continuous one, at least at school studies based on the principle of "reading pleasure" or as a virtue and necessity of the time we are talking? Can literature be concerned in the main object “student” and not be a compulsory subject seen by the student as a whole set of works and authors stuck in certain periods of time that doesn’t tell anything about his present? Which should then be the canon of the literature educational programs? Based on different analysis on how the selection of works and authors has evolved in school curricula, results that the canon now has to tend to a transversal and open selection of literary works.

Keywords: canon, literature, educational programs.


Benjamin, W. (1997), Sul concetto di storia. Torino: Giulio Einaudi editor.

Bloom, H. (2014), Western Canon. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Antonelli, R. (1999-2000) Crisi, canone e traducibilita. Jurnal of University of Sapienza: Riflessioni sul canone della letteratura italiana. Quaderns d’Italia.




How to Cite

Hysa, M. (2019). The Canon for the Study of Literature. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 8(4), 38–41. Retrieved from



Volume 8, No.4, April, 2019