
  • Sadia Afroz Senior Lecturer. Department of English. Stamford University


Racism is a faithful depiction of one race’s superiority to another, resulting in discrimination and prejudice towards the black nation based on race or ethnicity. For centuries, the life of the Afro-American community has been affected, tormented, maltreated due to racial conflicts. In The Bluest Eye, Morrison presents a community in which racial conflicts are internalized. Morrison delivers a faithful message relating to the black woman’s identity crisis by presenting the emancipation of mind and soul of the black community. The Afro-American women have been exploited in American male-dominated society, where white people are the decision-maker and arbiters of all the concerns. For this purpose, the paper aims to look at the politics of the postmodern culture of capitalism in a racist society and culture. It seeks to investigate the sadomasochist attitude of the characters in the theoretical framework of internalized racism in the African-American community presented in The Bluest Eye. It would like to foster a little black girl Pecola’s sufferings and agonies in a white-dominated society and the tribulations black families’ experience.

Keywords: Afro-American Community, Racial Discrimination, Pecola, Morrison, The Bluest Eye, and Postcolonialism. 


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How to Cite

Afroz, S. (2021). RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN TONI MORRISON’S “THE BLUEST EYE” A POSTCOLONIAL STUDY. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 10(9), pp.34–44. Retrieved from https://www.anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/2238



Volume 10, No.9, September 2021