The Influence of The Arabian Nights on Modern Young Adult Literature: Midwinter Blood and In Darkness as Examples


  • Brahim Bouali


The aim of this paper is to avoid the impressionism that may result from ad hoc personal opinion and consider the whole Arabian nights as a multi-dimensional genre or better canon genre from which artists continue to be inspired. The novelty in this study may be summarized in two points. First, it attempts to consider One Thousand and a Night as a canon genre that in a way proves the limitation of classical genre categorization/nomenclature and pushes us to introduce new terms in genre theory such as the notion of the canon genre and even the concept of anti-genre which will be dealt furtively with in this paper. Second, it attempts to study its degree of influence on modern young adult literature represented by Midwinter Blood and in Darkness both Winners, successively, of the 2013 and 2014 Michael L. Printz awards. This linguistic study of a celebrated literary work such as―the Arabian Nights will fill a gap in the literature and pave the ground towards a better communication between east and west.

Keywords: Cliff hanger, intertexuality, mythogenic, Leitwortstil, narratology, unreliable narrator, embedded narrative.




How to Cite

Bouali, B. (2015). The Influence of The Arabian Nights on Modern Young Adult Literature: Midwinter Blood and In Darkness as Examples. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(7), 9–22. Retrieved from



Volume 3, No.7, July, 2014