The Use of Short Story in TEFL: An Integrated and Communicative Sample Study: “The Third Wish”, By Joan Aiken


  • Yıldıray ÇEVİK
  • Isa Spahiu State University of Tetova


Short story teaching is really a dynamic and integrated task in communicative language teaching. Simple class-lecture may not be fruitful if it is not penetrated into the mind of the students. The teacher has to remember not only how effective the way teaching is, but also how interesting the classroom teaching could be. Traditional approaches in which the teacher, like the protagonist in a “monologue” is the only speaker and the students, being silent listeners, have got nothing to do other than listen to what the teacher says, no matter whether they enjoy it or not. Mere teacher-centered approaches of teaching the short story neither can arouse students’ interest in the content, nor do they directly involve the students in the learning process beyond the surface meaning of the short story. Thus, a careful selection of in-class activities appropriate to students’ language requirements and level should be incorporated into the short story teaching, which would help students consolidate their language knowledge and get involved into a short story through deeper analysis by offering many wide-ranging activities. The present paper, in the light of the views above, intends to show how integrated and communicative approach enables a teacher in the classroom to teach more effectively by directly involving students in the classroom activities. To illustrate this, Joan Aiken’s widely-known short story “The Third Wish” is selected as it allows for a variety of activities.

Keywords: Integrated, learner involvement, communicative approach, literary interpretation.




How to Cite

ÇEVİK, Y., & Spahiu, I. (2015). The Use of Short Story in TEFL: An Integrated and Communicative Sample Study: “The Third Wish”, By Joan Aiken. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(1), 57–65. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.1, February, 2013