Dynamic Changes of Blood-Metabolic in the Cows with Post Partum Pathology
This study has the aim to measure some metabolic and hematologic indicators in cows with pathologies of post partum (endometritis and metritis). In post partum cows happens a various number of changes in their internal indicators (metabolic changes). These changes are more emphasized when the process of post partum in compromised with a pathology like endometritis and metritis. Farms with dairy cattle have a higher tendency to be affected by these pathologies. For this reason, the farm we took in the study is a dairy farm for milk production and we focused on hemato-biochemical changes. To our cows in the study, we got whole-blood samples from jugular vein according to the standard procedures and the examination test were performed in GAMMA Laboratory (Chemical-clinical, microbiological and hormonal laboratory) in Tirana. For biochemical indicators were analyzed glucose level, total Bilirubin, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. While for hematological indicators were evaluated, WBC, RDW, LY, etc. From the data obtained, it results that biochemical indicators, as well as hematological, have visible changes in cows with port partum pathologies.
Keywords: metabolic and hematologic indicators in cows, hemato-biochemical changes, NEFTA, post-partum metritis, buffaloes, etc.
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