The Monitoring of Some Anthelmintic Results in Control of Fasciolosis in Extensive System Dairy Sheep in Albania


  • Jani Mavromati
  • Etleva Hamzaraj
  • Selman Zanaj
  • Eirini Mavromati
  • Nikos Raikos Laboratory of Forensics Medicine and Toxicology, Medicine School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Nektarios D Giadinis Clinic of Farm Animals, School of Veterinary Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Emilian Shabani


The infestation from Fasciola hepatica in Albania was prescribed at a very high level in extensive system dairy sheep herd of flat area. To compare the efficacy and results of some anthelmintics-active drugs in F. hepatica control we organized a trial during the year 2012 in a dairy sheep farm in central Albania. We established 5 experimental groups with 50 sheep on each. All faeces from all sheep were controlled on different dates according to the methodology with fast flotation and sedimentation method for fasciola eggs and the PCV level (Hematocrit). Laboratory tests before treatment, reported an average of 115-130 eggs of Fasciola, per gram of faeces, which represented a serious invasion and hemotocrit or PCV was 26,4%-27,1%. The first and second group were treated with 10mg/kg.b.w of Triclabendazol per os (PO), one of the benzimidazolics that were introduced with the delay in Albania. The third group was administered a combination of 10 mg/kg of Triclabendazole + 7.5 mg/kg.b.w PO of Levamisole. The fourth group was administered 10 mg /kg/b.w PO of albendazole. The fifth group was not treated (control group). Three weeks later from the treatment, the trial was repeated under the same methodology. In autumn a coprology control was organized for all groups before and after treatment. The same treatment was repeated as in spring except the first and fifth group which was not treated. The conclusion from the experimental results is that the combined treatment of Triclabendazole + Levamisole, twice a year, in spring and autumn, shows a better effect against F. Hepatica than the treatment with Triclabendazole or Albendazole only.

Keywords: anthelminthic, fasciola, triclabendasole, albendasole, coprology.




How to Cite

Mavromati, J., Hamzaraj, E., Zanaj, S., Mavromati, E., Raikos, N., Giadinis, N. D., & Shabani, E. (2016). The Monitoring of Some Anthelmintic Results in Control of Fasciolosis in Extensive System Dairy Sheep in Albania. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(4), 205–213. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.4, August, 2013