The Snow in Casablanca, 2005, is a novel which magnificently presents the life of Kica Kolbe’s heroine - Dina Asprova in Macedonia in the 1990’s. Dina is an Aegean woman who lives in many capital cities in Europe in search of her true identity and then comes back to Macedonia and continues her quest for her roots, identity and the sense of belonging. This novel is a typical form of Macedonian Women’s Writing – Ĕcriture Feminine. Dina Asprova is a writer who suffers from anxiety of writing as a result of her loss of identity, which she manages to recover and to become a good writer. This prose work deals with the important questions of the restitution of the homeland, the cultural, the personal and the national identity of the Aegean people, the exile and the self-exile, the importance of one’s roots, religion and love. Dina undergoes through a personal transitional period and Kolbe magnificently shows Dina’s struggle to get out of the margins, her wish to re-connect to her roots, her quest to find her own identity and her transition from a woman who does not know where she belong, to a woman who finds her true identity and roots.Keywords: Macedonian Women’s Writing – Ĕcriture Feminine, Restitution of the Homeland, Exile and the Self-Exile, Roots, Religion and Love.
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