The Ideal of the Period and the Lyric Hero in the Poems in the way of Sakiynama (in the example of Uzbek classical poetry until the first half of the XV century)


  • Asadov Maksud


The poems in the way of sakiynama created in Uzbek classical literature in the period until Alisher Navoi (particularly, until the first half of the XV century) are distinctive by their closeness to the life, connection of the lyric hero to a certain historical period and time, their ideological-artistic perfection, principles of description and the peculiarities of expressing styles. Different social, political, cultural, spiritual, educational, aesthetic problems of the period and time in which the poet lived are described more real, truly and reliably rather than the other lyric works. The internal world of the lyric hero – the rind, his human features, his attitude towards the universe are reflected in these works by means of the images, symbols and terms such as sakiy (cupbearer), jom (wine glass), drinking glass, wine, drink, fellow, drinking house. That’s these poetic symbols are of great importance in performing the thoughts in the outlook and soul of the writer, expressing them lively, graphically and impressively. And this emphasizes a bit the artistic-aesthetic impressiveness of the rind poems. In this article the above mentioned problems, especially, the problem of the period and lyric hero in the poems in the way of sakiynama are described in detail.

Keywords: Uzbek classical literature, sakiynama, period, rind, sakiy (cupbearer), wine, drinking house, lyric hero, soul, grief, symbol, party, jom (wine glass).


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How to Cite

Maksud, A. (2019). The Ideal of the Period and the Lyric Hero in the Poems in the way of Sakiynama (in the example of Uzbek classical poetry until the first half of the XV century). ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 8(4), 68–75. Retrieved from



Volume 8, No.4, April, 2019