The appearance of detective content in the works of Karakalpak prose in the mid-twentieth century is one of the facts in the development of our national literature. The appearance and development in the Karakalpak novel of detective content was played by M. Kayipov's novel “Kara chemodan”(The Black Suitcase). If you read the novel to the end, it is still difficult to consider it a detective work. If you look at it this way, it seems to be an ordinary realistic novel that describes social, ethical and aesthetic, moral themes. But, after reading the last pages, closing the book and thinking deeply, we can conclude that this is indeed a detective novel.
Keywords: detective, composition, plot, monologue, inner monologue, symbolic image, artistic detail, literary and psychological image, conflict.
Kamalov N. Qıraǵı kózlerdiń ilmey qalǵan jerleri haqqında / [The sites the keen eyes couldn’t have caught] “Ámudarya” 1973, №4.
Qaypov M. Qara chemodan. Nókis, "Qaraqalpaqstan". 1980. [Black suitcase] Karakalpakstan /1980.
Kabdalov Z. Sóz óneri. Almaty. "Mektep", 1982. [Word craft] Almaty. Mektep. 1982.
Esenov J. Sheberliktiń sırları. Nókis, “Qaraqalpaqstan”. 1986. [Secrets of skills] Nukus, Karakalpakstan.1986.
Akhmetov S., Esenov J., Járimbetov Q. Ádebiyattanıw atamalarınıń orıssha-qaraqalpaqsha túsindirme sózligi. Nókis, "Bilim". 1994. [Russian-Karakalpak the saurus of literary terms] Nukus, Bilim.1994.
Esenov J. Sheberliktiń sırları. Nókis, “Qaraqalpaqstan”. 1986. [Secrets of skills] Nukus, Karakalpakstan.1986.
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