
  • Gani Pllana University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Prishtina Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Republic of Kosova
  • Sadete Pllana University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Prishtina Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Republic of Kosova


In the conditions of the rapid development of technics and technology in recent years, the cooperation of the scientific-technical language with the standard Albanian language is continuing with an ever-higher intensity than before. We notice a vigor of enrichment in the vocabulary of technical terminology, due to the creation and formation of new fields and subfields of technics, technology, as computing, mechatronics, telemetry; a multitude of concepts, many of which on the one hand are marked with the designations of the languages they come from, mainly from English, but on the other hand, they meet their needs with the lexical mother tongue composition (by common words being raised to terms) and with the activation of other layers, such as compound word terms. Thus, for example, in the field of computing, we notice in it the inclusion of the ordinary vocabulary for reproductive reasons, like: mi, dritare, flamur, adresë, skedar (Engl.: mouse, window, flag, address, file), and along with them, the compound word terms, serving to differentiate relevant concepts, like, adresë e hiperlidhjes, adresë e uebit, adresë relative, adresë virtuale (Engl. hyperlink address, web address, relative address, virtual address) etc.

Key words: terminology, terminological technical vocabulary, standard Albanian language.


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How to Cite

Pllana, G., & Pllana, S. (2020). OVERVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL LANGUAGE WITH ALBANIAN STANDARD LANGUAGE. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 8. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/2027



Volume 8, Conference Proceedings, Special Issue, 2019

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