The main focus of this paper is on the eclectic analysis of the social and cultural aspects of democratization in Albania within the limits of this influence. Study analysis considers issues related to economic or institutional policy influenced by the model political elite. Consequently, here we will claim an eclectic appreciation of our outward values towards democracy, as well as other democratic ideas from cultural traditions comparing them that can provide a notion for a theory of democracy in Albania. The eclectic analysis will reflect on the relation between the state formation theory and society. We will use qualitative analysis involving theory consuming engaging the questions of whether recently Albania is on a prolonged transition and has failed to democratize. What is the path to the future of democratic consolidation if we approach it with an eclectic analysis? We will explore a few aspects of democratic consolidation in Albania in terms of the strength of democratic values represented theories of universalism, traditionalism, and eclecticism discussed during the analysis. It is envisaged that a critique of the various assumptions and presuppositions of these prominent schools of thought will lead us to a credible theory of Albanian democracy. Under this assumption, understanding the elite’s decision-making is vital in explaining the consolidation of democracies but not sufficient to promise the consolidation due to other specific country-based structural factors.
Keywords: Eclectic analysis, Albania, democratic consolidation, political elites, democratic theory, traditionalism and eclecticism.
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