This article discusses and compares the analytical and stylistic folklore elements used in the novel Sultan Jalaliddin written by Erkin Samandar and the writer’s skill in using them. It presents exact excerpts and examines the adaptation of folk tales about Najmiddin Kubro, Sultan Jalaliddin, Majididdin Baghdadi, and others in their original form and in a modified, elegant way in the novel. It emphasizes that folklore is a key tool in the development of novel art. There are also clear examples of variants of folk tales in the scientific work. The similarities and differences are also contrasted. In particular, it discusses writing skills and unique style of expression of thought by Erkin Samandar.
Keywords: Erkin Samandar, writer, novel, analytical folklore, stylization, Najmiddin Kubro, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Majididdin Baghdadi, Shamsulmulk, legend, legend, myth, mastery, art.
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