This study has utilized a non-invasive, rapid, and reliable method of assessing the scale of fin damage in rainbow trout from aquacultures in eight locations throughout the Republic of Kosova. The method is based on a visual assessment of the fin in profile and the loss of surface area of all fins on a scale from 0-5, compared to a healthy fin. The scale of fin damage was analyzed in two groups of fish, those weighing less than 30 grams and those weighing over 100 grams. The study demonstrated that the average indicator of fin damage was higher in larger fish than in smaller fish. Fin damage also depended on the season. Thus, greater fin damage was observed during the summer, compared to the winter and spring months, when the scale of damage was less severe. Moreover, the shape of the pond also impacted fin damage. Thus, the scale of fin damage was greater in circular-shaped ponds compared to rectangular-shaped ponds. The dorsal and pectoral fins were both exposed to damage. The average value of fin damage on the dorsal fin was 3.11, on the left pectoral fin 2.72, whereas on the right pectoral fin 2.70. The reasons behind the fin damage could be related to metabolic adaptations or adaptations to rearing conditions, which should be further looked into in the future in hopes of improving fin condition.
Keywords: Rainbow trout, fish farms, fins, erosion.
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