
  • Argjent Mehmedi University of Tetova "Fadil Sulejmani" - Tetova, North Macedonia
  • Arburim Iseni University of Tetova "Fadil Sulejmani" - Tetova, North Macedonia
  • Adelina Hoxhaj University of Tetova "Fadil Sulejmani" - Tetova, North Macedonia


There are many works in the world of literature that have dazzled us with their fascinating stories; their specific way of using vocabulary and their magical ability to take us and lead us to an imaginary world where we can experience what the characters of that work are experiencing. Such literary masterpieces make us think deep, while trying to understand them given the context in which they have been written. The Catcher in the Rye is without a doubt one of those books that challenge the way we see the world around us; challenge that which we believe is true and what consider a lie. Therefore, it is no wonder why we have chosen this work so we can analyze it and try to find ways how we can inject it in our classrooms. Yes, it is true that the book has a very specific and “hard” language that many students may find it inappropriate; nevertheless, it represents a unique way of vocabulary usage and a particular style of reflecting human emotions.

Keywords:  The Catcher in the Rye, Salinger, classroom, teaching, learning.


Alexander, P. (1999). Salinger, A Biography. Renaissance Publishing, Los Angeles Baldwin, S.P. (2000). Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. Cliffs Notes, Foster City Carson, Th. L. (2010); Lying and Deception. Oxford University Press, Oxford Chafe, W.H. (2003). The Unfinished Journey. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Dromm, K., Salter, H. (2012). The Catcher in the Rye and Philosophy. Open Court Publishing, Chicago.

Graham, S (2007). J.D. Salingers’s Catcher in the Rye – Routledge Guides to Literature. Routledge, London.

Graham, S (2007). Salingers’s Catcher in the Rye. Continuum International Publishing Group, New York.

Hamilton, I. (1988). In Search of J.D. Salinger. Random House, New York Salinger, J.D. (1951); The Catcher in the Rye. Little, Brown and Company, Boston.

Lindner, R. (2003). Rebel without a Cause - The Story of A Criminal Psychopath. Other Press, New York.

Salzman, J. (1991). New Essay on The Catcher in the Rye. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Tindall and Shi (1999). America: A Narrative History, W. W. Norton & Company, New York.




How to Cite

Mehmedi, A., Iseni, A., & Hoxhaj, A. (2022). USING J.D. SALINGER’S THE CATCHER IN THE RYE IN THE CLASSROOM. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(9), pp.25–35. Retrieved from



Volume 11, Nr.9, September 2022

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