
  • Milena Mileva Blažić University of Ljubljana
  • Jani Kovačič Bežigrad High School, Ljubljana


In this article, I will shed light on some of the solutions and pitfalls that I/we have come across in the preparation and performance of medieval music. It is based on the concert programs Carmina Profana (1997) and Od trubadurjev (By the Troubadours, 2007). Many associations and texts can also be found in the books Knjiga (The Book, 2009) and Tolovajske balade (Villain Ballads, 1993).

Keywords:  interpretation, the art of understanding; empathy; music, Middle Ages, 12th – 13th century, troubadours, trouvères, Minnesang, Carmina Burana, Francois Villon, song, text, music, performance.


Literature and Sources

Carmina Burana:

Carmina Burana, translated by Andrijan Lah, radio broadcast, publication in the anthology World literature and performance at the Bežigrad high school, source: Samo Koler.

Carmina Burana, Reclam, Stuttgart, 1992.

Carmina Burana, (selection and translation Simoniti, Primož), Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1976.

Carmina Burana, extended selection, (selection and translation Simoniti, Primož), Modrijan, Ljubljana, 2008.


DeutscheDichter, Band1Mittelalter, Reclam, Stuttgart, 1989.

Hagen, Friedrich Heinrichvonder, Minnesinger. Deutsche Liederdichter, 4 volumes, Verlag Joh. Ambr Barth, Lepzig 1838.

Janko, Anton and Henkel, Nikolaus, Nemški viteškilirikisslovenskihtal: Žovneški, Gornjegrajski, Ostrovrški=DeutscherMinnesangin Slowenien: Dervon Suonegge, Dervon Obernburg, Der von Scharpfenberg [songs translated by Anton Janko and Tone Pretnar], Znanstveni inštitut Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana, 1997.

Vogelweide, Waltervonder, Werke, Band2: Liedlyrik, Reclam, Stuttgart, reprint 2011. Wolkenstein, Oswaldvon, Die Lieder, (ed.Klaus J. Schönmetzler), Emil Vollmer Verlag , München, 1979.

Wolkenstein.Oswaldvon, Lieder, Reclam, Stuttgart, 2007.


Aubrey, Elizabeth, The music of the troubadours, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indianapolis, 2000.

Gaunt, Simon and Kay, Sarahet al., The troubadours: An introduction, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Novak, Boris A., Ljubezenizdaljave, Kondor, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 2003.

Novak, Boris A., Razmerjemedpoezijoinglasbopritrubadurjih, tematski sklop Literatura inglasba, Primerjalna književnost 2, Slovensko društvo zaprimerjalno književnost, Ljubljana, 2015, pp.25- 42.

Novak, BorisA., Prešerenkottrubadur, Sodobnost12, Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2000, pp.1870-90.

Pintarič, Miha, Trubadurji, fin'amor: besedakotharmonijapojavnegainpojmovnega, Primerjalna književnost, Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, Ljubljana, 1988, pp.1-14.

Pintarič, Miha, Trubadurji, Znanstvenii nštitut Filozofske fakultete: Študentska založba, Ljubljana, 2001.

Pintarič, Miha, Arabciintrubadurji, Primerjalna književnost 23, Slovensko društvo za primerjalno književnost, Ljubljana, 2000, pp. 53-73.

Širca, Alen, Ibn Quzmanin GuilhemIx. Akvitanski: lirika obscenegakotprimerkarnevalskega vozliščamedarabskointrubadurskoliriko, Primerjalna književnost, Slovensko društvoza primerjalno književnost, Ljubljana, 2008, pp. 133-57.


Chansonsdestrouvères: chanterm'estuet, (ed. Samuel N. Rosenberg, Hans Tischlerand Marie- Geneviève Grossel), Lelivredepoche–Lettresgothiques, Librairiegénéralefrançaise, Paris, 1995.

Haines, John, Eightcenturies of Troubadours and Trouvères (The Changing Identity of Medieval Music), Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Haines, John, The Footnote Quarrels of the Modal Theory: A Remarkable Episode in the Reception of Medieval Music. In: Early Music History Jg. 20, 2001, pp.87–120.

Halle, Adamdela, Œuvrescomplètes, (ed. Badel, Pierre-Yves), Lelivredepoche–Lettresgothiques, Librairie générale française, Paris, 1995.

Songsofthetrouvères, (ed. Page, Christopher), [sheet music edition], Antico Edition AE36, Newton Abbot, 1995.


Erskine, John, Kratkotrajna sreča Françoisa Villona (romanticized biography), (translated by Verbič, Boris), Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1964, reprint 1986.

Villon, François, Poésiescomplètes, (ed. Pierre Michel, introduction by Clément Marot and Théophile Gautier), Le livredepoche–Clasique, Librairie générale française, Paris, 1979.

Villon, François, Velikitestament, (translated by Menart, Janez), Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 1970.

Villon, François, Villon, (translated by Menart, Janez), Lirika 45, Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana, 1980.

Villon, François, Zbranodelo, (translated by Menart, Janez), Obzorja, Maribor, 1987.

General handbooks:

Der Musik Brockhaus, Brockhausin B.Schott’s Söhne, Weisbaden–Mainz, 1982.

Grove Music Online, access through Mrežnik NUK:

Stevens, John and Butterfield, Ardis, under the headword Troubadours, trouvères, on literary work; Karp,Theodore, under the headword Troubadours, trouvères, onmusic work,


Kippenberg, Burkhard, under the headword Minnesang, Grove Music Online


Michels, Ulrich, Glasbeniatlas, (translated by Primož Kuret and Edo Škulj), Državna založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 2002.

Ruwet, Nicolas, Methods of Analysis in Musicology for André Souris, translation from French of Methodesd'analseen musicology (first published 1966), introduction by Mark Everist, Musical Analysis 6, 1987,

Notes and recordings:

Troubadours, Trouvères, Minne-undMeistergesang, (ed. Gennrich, Friedrich), [sheet music edition], Das Musikwerk, Arno Volk Verlag, Köln, 1951.

Carmina Profana, [sound recording, CD], performed by Golijardi & Vaganti, ZKP105180&KUD007; Ljubljana, 1999.

Odtrubadurjev (Srednjeveške pesmi o ljubezni), [Sound recording of the concert on St. Gregor's Day 12th March 2007, Ljubljanski grad] performed by Žonglerji & Dramsam, Ljubljana, 2007.

Kovačič, Jani, Pijanobar, double CD [sound recording]; CD1: François Villon–JanezMenart–Jani Kovačič, Tolovajske balade (Lesbaladesenjargon/Villainballads), (translated by Janez Menart); CD2: Bulvar Bankrot, (music for the first and second part and text for the second part by Jani Kovačič), Fabrika 13; Ljubljana, 2005.

Kovačič, Jani, Prastarepesmi=Chansonstrèsanciennes, [Sound recording of the concert 18th November 2009], performed by the modern consort Chronographus, Ljubljana, 2009.


Kovačič, Jani, KNJIGA, Cankarjeva založba, Ljubljana, 2009.




How to Cite

Blažić, M. M., & Kovačič, J. (2022). MEDIEVAL MUSIC OR HOW WE LET HERMENEUTICS DOWN. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(10), pp.58–92. Retrieved from



Volume 11, Nr.10, October 2022

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