
  • Boynazarova Nigora Ismoilovna Teacher of Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture. City Tashkent




In world linguistics, initially the scientific and practical significance of terms in the creation of various terminological dictionaries related to the terminological systems of the field was researched in several directions, but in recent years, including from the beginning of our century, attention has been paid to researching the language system, especially terminology, based on the principles of a new scientific paradigm. In linguistics, the important role of the folklore term in language development and issues of terminology are still in the focus of researchers’ attention. Clarifying the issue of the folklore term and its linguistic status, creating a linguistic and cultural interpretation of various terms, as well as their linguistic nature, etymology, methods of formation, lexical-semantic features, their paradigmatic relations, and standardization of synonymy and doublet possibilities have also become one of the main issues of world linguistics.

Keywords: term, folklore terminology, language, specific terminological system, dictionary, history.


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How to Cite

Ismoilovna, B. N. (2023). ABOUT TERMINOLOGY OF UZBEK FOLKLORE STUDIES. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(3), pp.53–61. https://doi.org/10.58885/ijllis.v12i3.53.bi



Volume 12, Nr.3, March 2023