This article explores the phenomenon of asymmetry between form and content across different linguistic levels in the Uzbek language. It investigates a multifaceted relationship between the structural elements of language, including phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics, and how these elements convey meanings. The study highlights the universal and language-specific aspects of this asymmetry, demonstrating how the same semantic content can be expressed through various forms and, conversely, how similar forms can carry different meanings depending on context. The research methodology combines theoretical analysis with empirical data, drawing on examples from the Uzbek language to illustrate the dynamic interplay between form and content. Furthermore, how asymmetry impacts linguistic functionality and efficiency, challenging traditional notions of a one-to-one correspondence between form and meaning, is explored. It posits that asymmetry enhances linguistic flexibility and adaptability, allowing for the expression of nuanced meanings and the development of new linguistic constructs.
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