Standards-based Learning and Teaching: A Crucial Issue in World Education


  • Vilma Tafani English Department
  • Natalie Kuhlman


Education throughout the world is now focusing on the use of standards-based education. The ways in which standards are being used as the basis for curriculum and accountability systems vary greatly from one country to another. Higher education in Albania is undergoing a variety of changes due to such reform movements. Albanian universities also are transforming their curricula as the result of the Bologna Process, restructuring their four year integrated teacher preparation programs to a three-year B.A. plus a Master of Art’s Program. This article will focus on issues such as what standards are and specifically in education; why we need to change from a course-based system to a standards-based system; and how specifically one university has applied these changes.




How to Cite

Tafani, V., & Kuhlman, N. (2015). Standards-based Learning and Teaching: A Crucial Issue in World Education. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(8), 36–43. Retrieved from



Volume 3, No.8, August, 2014