Menagement Ethics and Development


  • Katka Bozinovska


From the first beginnings of the operation and development of organizations and companies, creating a profit, the manner of work, wealth and other benefits provided by the successful operation, the question arises: whether the operation has nothing in common with morality and moral behavior of individuals and groups or as well as the management of organizations contributing to the development of ethics and ethical relations between employees? Observing the relationship between performance and ethics can be expanded to the manner of work, the use of economic and natural resources, management of the organization, property relations, and treatment of employees, quality of work, attitude towards the local community, the state and religion. The occurred changes within transition in the country Republic of Macedonia require research needs in this area. Therefore it is important to investigate the relationship of management and its contribution to the development of moral and ethical behavior in organizations. Variables in the study represent the managers from different organizations and their contribution through the management of human resources for the development of ethics in the organization. The sample is consisted of managers from many organizations in the municipality of Tetovo from different area. The obtained results confirmed the individual hypotheses, as well as general hypothesis: The role of the manager in the development of ethics in the organization will depend on several indicators including notably human resources, culture and ethics, by way of treatment and management of people with the manager in the business area of the organization in modern society.

Keywords: management, manager, human resource management, moral, business ethics, ethical code.




How to Cite

Bozinovska, K. (2015). Menagement Ethics and Development. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3(8), 113–122. Retrieved from



Volume 3, No.8, August, 2014