Teacher education has always been the main concern in English Language Teaching (ELT) domain. However, being able to learn the ultimate techniques and approaches along with the theories does not necessarily mean that they were internalized properly up to the desired level to actualize them in the classroom atmosphere of a newly graduate. The term “sustainable continuous learning” comes into mind, and, therefore, should be part of a teacher’s life. “Sustainable continuous learning” takes form in several ways. It can either be through in-service training or special courses which are held by the worldwide recognized institutions. In both ways the teachers can benefit and keep themselves up-to-date in the ever changing ELT world. “Continuous learning” becomes so predominant that teachers are obligated keep abreast of the latest developments in ELT world either from journals or forums. In this study qualitative research is conducted through a questionnaire circulated on teacher training (TT) perception. The questionnaire and the results of their analysis are presented in this study to reinforce the significance of continuous learning in teacher training.
Keywords: Teacher education, continuous learning, autonomous learning, in-service-training.
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