The Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna in the Massif Mountain of Sharr


  • Nexhbedin Beadini State University of Tetova
  • Sheqibe Beadini State University of Tetova
  • Gazmend Iseni State University of Tetova
  • Hesat Aliu State University of Tetova
  • Xhezair Abdija State University of Tetova
  • Leonora Qoku State University of Tetova


The massif mountain of Sharr is considered as the greatest asset of the country and region, both in terms of natural abundance, recreation, tourism and in terms of the cultivation of goods. Special attention should be paid to the protection and preservation of the natural biodiversity as a natural asset that requires a serious approach to the preservation and protection of
the environment of this massif from the population that lives in these areas, country and the region in general. In terms of recreation and tourism the massif mountain of Sharr was earlier known for the winter recreational sports, tourism and summer recreation. Special attention should be given to the alpine places which are more attractive for hunting, grazing, water resources and in particular it is the most attractive for its flora and fauna. Special attention should be given to the endemic highlights of the flora and fauna and to the conservation aspect of this biotope. One must have an interest and passion to further invest in capital projects for this massif mountain with the only aim to further increase the spotted recreational picturesque places of the Sharr Mountain.

Keywords: mass, Mountain biodiversity, endemic, relict, flora, fauna etc.




How to Cite

Beadini, N., Beadini, S., Iseni, G., Aliu, H., Abdija, X., & Qoku, L. (2015). The Biodiversity of Flora and Fauna in the Massif Mountain of Sharr. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 2(1), 169–173. Retrieved from



Volume 2, No.1, February, 2013

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