Influence of Nanosilver Synthesis Conditions on its Architecture


  • M. Abdel-Motaleb
  • M.F. El Kady
  • M.A. Taher
  • A. A. Gahlan
  • A. M. Hamed


Silver nitrate reduction in presence of Ethylene glycol (EG) and Poly Ethylene glycol (PEG) represents one from the simplest techniques for silver nano-powder fabrication. Where EG act as reducing agent and PEG act as stabilizing agent. The impact of presence either the reducing agent or the stabilizing agent at the reaction media on the properties of synthesized silver were recorded. Regarding to the chain length of PEG was discovered to play the key role in the formation of nano-silver. Accordingly, the variation in the stabilizing agent (PEG) molecular weight on the morphological structures of produced silver was recorded. The formation of nano-silver was confirmed using UV–Vis spectroscopy. The UV–visible
scanning results for the aqueous reaction medium containing silver ion has been demonstrated characteristics peak at 420nm that corresponding to the plasmon absorbance of silver nanoparticle. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was utilized to determine the crystalline structure of the prepared silver nano-powders. The crystalline structure of prepared nano-silver was produce
in hexagonal, cubic crystal and face centered cubic configurations with different plane of orientation. Scanning electron micrographs of synthesized silver indicated that nano-silver were prepared in morphological structures as nano-particle.

Keywords: Silver, Nano-structures, Nano-material, Reduction, Characterization.




How to Cite

Abdel-Motaleb, M., El Kady, M., Taher, M., Gahlan, A. A., & Hamed, A. M. (2016). Influence of Nanosilver Synthesis Conditions on its Architecture. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 3. Retrieved from



Volume 3, Conference Proceedings, Special Issue, 2013