
  • Shonazarova Dilfuza Jahongirovna Researcher of National University of Uzbekistan



Depending on the nature of the participants of the addresser and addressee in the communicative act, discursive activities such as monologic and dialogic are distinguished, many researchers recognize the primary and natural character of dialogic speech in comparison with monologic speech.  Since dialogues characterize the communication behavior in the interview text, which is considered a journalistic genre, it is natural for gender stereotypes to be activated in the text. In this sense, the influence of biological and social factors in the emergence of antrocentrism in language cannot be denied, despite the fact that both of them influence the emergence and formation of gender stereotypes, social factors play an important role.  By identifying gender stereotypes in the language based on interview discourse materials, theoretical points can be proved.  Based on different points of view in linguistics, gender can be defined as a concept or a cognitive phenomenon that is manifested in language tools and the characteristics of the speech activity of people belonging to a certain gender.

Keywords: interview, information, discourse, linguistic units, metaphor, oral speech, written speech.


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How to Cite

Jahongirovna, S. (2023). APPEARANCE OF GENDER INDICATORS IN THE INTERVIEW TEXT. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 12(11), pp.52–60.



Volume 12, No.11, November 2023