A Test of the Functional Requisites in Small Group Decision-Making
This pilot study tests the functional perspective of small group decision-making, which asserts that certain or all five critical requisite functions must be satisfied for an effective group decision-making. The investigation involved four groups of first year students who voluntarily decided to participate. Each group was given a survival simulation that involved strictly enforced decisions. Each group was assigned different functional requisites to consider during their decision-making. One group was given the five functional requisites: (1) develop a thorough and accurate understanding of the problem, (2) achieve an appropriate understanding of the requirements for an acceptable choice, (3) marshal and, if necessary, develop a range of realistic and acceptable alternatives, (4) assess thoroughly and accurately the positive consequences associated with alternative choices, and (5) assess thoroughly and accurately the negative consequences associated with the alternative choices. The second group was assigned three functional requisites such as (1) develop a thorough and accurate understanding of the problem, (2) achieve an appropriate understanding of the requirements for an acceptable choice, and (3) assess thoroughly and accurately the negative consequences associated with the alternative choices. The third group was assigned two of the functional requisites such as (1) develop a thorough and accurate understanding of the problem and (2) assess thoroughly and accurately the negative consequences associated with the alternative choices. The fourth group was assigned only the assessment of negative consequences associated with the alternative choices. The groups that came closer to the decisions suggested by the experts were the first and the fourth group.
Keywords: Small-Group, Decision-Making, Functional Requisites.
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