The Cursed Writer and the Language


  • Yzedin Hima


In this paper, we will deal with the issue of the existence of another literature in Albania, alongside with „The literature of socialist realism‟ in the second half of the 20th century, namely “Prevented literature”. We will introduce arguments that this literature was developing as a separate trend with an opposing sense, like the writer with official literature. We will also bring evidence why we have called it “Prevented literature”. We will argument why both the writer and the text preserved their modernity features, enriching them further. We will bring evidence that this literature was born in prisons, as well as outside them. It was printed and prohibited, but it developed underground to escape destruction. It was created, written and hidden in secret drawers. There were cases when it was created, but not written, to be written later. We will bring facts to show that texts had the same destiny as their writers, who were imprisoned or executed and their literary texts were archived in the police files. Many works were lost for fear of detection, were torn to pieces by the authors or their family because of persecution. Lots of texts were created, but they were never written for the same reason.

Keywords: text, condemned text, detected text, prison, prevented literature, escape in language, homeland.




How to Cite

Hima, Y. (2015). The Cursed Writer and the Language. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 4(6), 341–346. Retrieved from



Volume 4, No.6, June 2015