A Historical View about Concepts, Theories and Types of Nationalism
The aim of this paper is to present some key aspects from the theory of nationalism studying. Nationalism in Europe has existed as civic nationalisms which is attributed to western countries and as cultural (ethnic) nationalisms dealing with East European countries. The model of ethnic nationalism is based on the legal practice of “ius sanguinis” (common blood) while, the model of civic nationalism is based on the other principle, that of “ius soli” (common territory). Another main difference between these theories is whether nations are ancient or modern. This brings to the main currents of nationalism study, which are: primordialism, perennialism, modernism, post-modernism and ethno-symbolism. Despite debates about the characteristics of nationalism, most scholars accept its historical importance.
Keywords: Nationalism, nation, identity, ethnic and civic nationalism, theories of primordialism, perennialism, modernism, post-modernism, ethno-symbolism.
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