British and Yugoslav Response to Italian Invasion of Albania
By the end of 1930’ the western powers like France and Great Britain warned small European countries that they cannot provide them a protection from German and Italian aggression. Such a statement reinforced expansionist aims of Germany and Italy, particularly the last mentioned was concerned if Germany’s actions in Austria and Czechoslovakia may extend in Adriatic. In order to preserve its position in Balkans Italy approached to Yugoslavia with the aim to invade Albania. During all interwar period Yugoslavia and Italy struggled for political and economic influence in Albania, whereas Great Britain mostly acted as a mediatory power in its efforts to secure the peace. The conversion of Italy in a world military power was followed by change of attitudes of Yugoslavia and Great Britain towards Albania. Therefore this work pretends to analyse international political developments in Europe, especially diplomatic actions of Italy regarding the invasion into Albania and attitudes of Yugoslavia and Great Britain towards such aims, and later towards the Italian aggression against Albania.
Keywords: Albania, Italy, Ciano, Chamberlain, King Zog, etc.
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