Relations of the “Vatra”, (The Hearth), Federation with "Free Albania" organization, in United States of America during 1945-1960


  • Erjon Dervishi Academy for Albanian Studies, Tirana


The activity of the Albanian emigration organizations in the United States grew more after the Second World War. Their actions and programs were generally consistent with US policy. The federation “Vatra” and the “Free Albania” organization disagreed with the policy pursued by the United States against the communist regime of Albania. The fact that these two organizations had long been unaware of the events in Albania and of the nature of the new post-war regime. Also influenced was the low level of intellectual and political formation of some of the “Vatra” leaders as well as their left-wing tendencies. Since the beginning of 1945, the “Vatra” federation called for the Albanian government to be known by the allies and to be admitted to the San Francisco Conference. The “Vatra” federation's campaign to collect material and food aid to send it to Albania was vast. It started immediately after the end of the war. For "Vatras" it was necessary not to miss basic and vital products to survive, such as clothes and food. For the bread problem, the newspaper the “Sun” wrote: “The bread problem in Albania, especially in Tirana, where a large population is gathered, is one of the most serious problems that the governor is trying to alleviate. The maize that went to 37 Lek was now regulated and deducted in 27 leks. It is hope to be subtracted below.” This was one of the mian letters of the “Vatra” federation. Since the end of 1945, the Albanian government prepared a project for a state loan that would be derived from Albanian colonies. What was most interested in the communist regime was the colonies of America, as there was a large number of Albanians, about 70,000, and their economic status was better than other colonies. Under the Albanian government's plans, this project would have economic but also political impact in the colonies of America. In this campaign, the Albanians of America would notice the “great advances” that Albania had made, thanks to the communist government, in the economic and cultural fields. The success of this loan would depend on good organization of work and the choice of suitable persons.

Keywords: “Vatra” federation, “Free Albania” Organisation, Albanian Relief Fund, Communist regime, the “Sun” paper.


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How to Cite

Dervishi, E. (2017). Relations of the “Vatra”, (The Hearth), Federation with "Free Albania" organization, in United States of America during 1945-1960. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 6(10), 24–32. Retrieved from



Volume 6, No.10, October, 2017