Comments on Studying Linguopoetic Properties of Terms in a Textual Aspect


  • Djamoliddinova Dilnoza Researcher of Kokand State Pedagogical Institute City Kokand


The terminology in the literary text is also a lexical unit with the potential of poetic updating. They are placed in the literary context in the context of the writer's function and become a linguopoetic target. But the terms can not describe their essence in context, and in order to fully understand their semantic meaning, it is necessary to use a textual framework. Therefore, the terminology can not be analyzed separately from the text environment. This is because the scope of their use varies by science. True, the terms within the exact sciences only come in one sense and represent only one concept. But within the framework of social sciences, they become a means of expressing emotion. The task of social sciences is to influence the spiritual world of man. From this point of view, the article focuses on the fact that the term has become an artistic means of art, not metaphorical, but also portrayed as metaphorical and emotional. The terms of the literary texts were written by skilled writers, intertextuality and pragmatic goals were analyzed using examples. The fact that the terms have a special place in the textual aspect and their inability to display the linguopoietic objective of the text was scientifically proven by a piece of art. The terms also show that text can be used in horizontal and vertical directions with other parts of the text.

Keywords:  linguopoetics, lexical layer, horizontal and vertical relations, literary text, pragmatical aim, textual aspects, metaphor.


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How to Cite

Dilnoza, D. (2018). Comments on Studying Linguopoetic Properties of Terms in a Textual Aspect. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(5), 37–44. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.5, May, 2018