Verbal and Non-Verbal Means of Realizing the Conceptual Semantics of “Intensification” in Non-Related Languages


  • Ziyayev Avazbek Ikhtiyarovich Associated professor of Ferghana State University. City Fergana, Uzbekistan.


This article touches upon the six types of  the verbalizers of the conceptual macrosemantics of “intensification”established for the first time in Modern English, Uzbek and Russian, which allowed the author to reveal the isomorphic and allomorphic  features of the verbalizers and the factors preconditioning the latter. Comparative analysis of the empiric materials of the “intensification” in such typologically different languages as English, Uzbek and Russian shows that there is a solid ground to confirm the universal nature of the conceptual semantics of the “intensification” because of its being a communicatively important phenomenon which may and should be verbalized by the following means in languages: 1) phonemes; 2) morphemes; 3) lexemes; 4) syntaxemes; 5) phraseological units; 6) textemes. All these language units form so called linguoconceptual semantic field of “intensification” in every concrete language, there being the nuclear, dominant, central and peripheral members of the field. The aforementioned typical constituent members of the field represent a certain well organized system of units verbalizing the conceptual semantics of “intensification” on any language. Our analysis has shown that the compared languages are characterized by certain isomorphic and allomorphic features of which the former is explained by the general (universal) laws of development of language as the best means of adequate communication among human beings, whereas the latter (allomorphic features) is accounted for by the original thinking which is accordingly manifested by the specific national verbalizers of the conceptual semantics of “intensification” characterized by idiomatism of their syntax, semantics and pragmatics as well as linguoculturological features. Both features of the intensification in the compared languages are to be taken into consideration while teaching the former at schools, colleges and universities.

Keywords: cognitive typology, macrosemantics of “intensification”, verbalizer, (phoneme, morpheme, lexeme, sintaxeme, phraseological unit, texteme) isomorphic and allomorphic features.


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How to Cite

Ikhtiyarovich, Z. A. (2018). Verbal and Non-Verbal Means of Realizing the Conceptual Semantics of “Intensification” in Non-Related Languages. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(5), 56–62. Retrieved from



Volume 7, No.5, May, 2018