Feelings of Artistic Expressions and Admittances


  • Jurayeva Manzura Axronkulovna Teacher of Fergana State University. City Fergana, Uzbekistan.


The role of a person was described in a new conceptual point of view. In this subject the modern Uzbek literature is not at the side its centre. In this point of  view the reflection.The childless in the Uzbek literature was the main question, this is the way of living people, the outlook. To this was the accident. As above was said MullaAshur was even the sacred fully concretized with real life, he helped the ill people, it is a real life of the people. This it  raises the interest of the pupils concerning the main plot of the story. These difficulties are shown  in his sorrows, in his feeling of unsatisfaction of his life, he  payed much attention to it. It influences to his psychological changes. First of all, the energetic man became at final with much shortages,  with the help of  unusual ways to overcome difficulties made him non-fully concerns man, discussing the problems of women and so on.

Keywords: person, conception, form, subject, tradition, belief, pscychological  process.


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ZulfiyaQurolboyqizi. Qadimiyqo’shiq: hikoyalar. Toshkent.O’zbekiston. 2012.




How to Cite

Axronkulovna, J. M. (2018). Feelings of Artistic Expressions and Admittances. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 7(6), 80–83. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/1725



Volume 7, No.6, June, 2018