Democracy building is closely related to the people who live in a certain country. Democracy is “the rule of demos” and “demos” is understood as “the people”. Those who have the right to vote they have the power to change the leadership. “Either kings should become philosophers or philosophers become kings, “says Plato in his work The Republic. The knowledge obtained in schools does not always prepare people to rule. Sometimes or most of the time it prepares people to serve. In a small country like Macedonia we have a democracy, which implements a power sharing as a form of conflict management after the 2001 conflict. The recognition of the right to education at the university level calmed down interethnic tensions and paved the road to the building of the consociational democracy. Despite of it the education system in Macedonia faces many difficulties and challenges.
Keywords: democracy, education, challenges, accountability, transfers of knowledge and reforms.
Dewey, J. (1916/1985). Democracy and Education. Indiana; Southern Illinois UP.
Ashton, David and Francis Green (1996) Education, Training and the Global Economy, (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar).
Sisk, Timothy D. Power Sharing and Mediation in Ethnic Conflic. New York: Carnegie Corporation of new York, 1996
Bieber, Florian. “Post Conflict Institutions in Ethnically divided Societies. From Power-Sharing to Democracy.” London:McGill-Queen’s University press, 2005
Plato, The Republic, by Alan Bloom translation
Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Macedonia
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