The Tasks of Expressing Social Type, Stereotypes and Roles in the Linguistic Classification of Existence


  • Khasanova Dilfuza Odilovna


Social stereotypes serve to the socialization of the language. They have various forms. It is possible to approach from various sides to the stereotypes as it is flexible. Social norms play an important role in the formation of social stereotypes. Social stereotypes are expressed with the help of various texts and language unities. Expressions, proverbs and sayings also express social stereotypes besides lexeme. It is the requirement of the era to clean the process of communication from resources that lead to the outrage of one social type by another one.   A person is universal creature. The social property is characterized by a personality, acquired and cultivated. The social qualities of the individual develop and change on the basis of the environment, educational and personal (subjective) factors. The role of education in shaping and developing the personality of a person is important. Social environment changes social roles.

Key words: stereotype, social type, social factor, expression, proverb, socio-biological factor.


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How to Cite

Odilovna, K. D. (2019). The Tasks of Expressing Social Type, Stereotypes and Roles in the Linguistic Classification of Existence. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 8(4), 76–84. Retrieved from



Volume 8, No.4, April, 2019