
  • Hakimova Muhayyo Karimovna Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and literature Tashkent


When the language carries out its calling function, it will try to name the world as how it is. Leveling of certain sign is also expressed in the language as all processes in the universe. The issue of leveling of abstraction is thoroughly highlighted in this article. The uniqueness of leveling in generalized and separatory abstracts is explained. When the level of generalizing abstraction increases, the number of generalizing specificities will increase, and the similarity between them will diminish. Creating concreteness/abstractness scale has been tried in order to determine leveling of abstraction in the Uzbek language. Increasing abstraction in nineteen groups level by level has been analyzed. The item names are placed into the first edge polar of the scale. Indeed, they call the materialism which has certain form, own place in space and time. The most concrete words in the content of item names are the food names. Because we can feel them with our five sensitive organs. The meta notions are placed in last point of the scale. The abstraction level of these words is so high that the information about their carrier is not present in their semantic content. Graduomical rows of main and derivative meanings of abstract nouns and abstract adjectives have been identified in the article.

Keywords: lexical leveling, abstraction, leveling, lexema, substance.


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How to Cite

Karimovna, H. M. (2019). LEVELING LEXICAL ABSTRACTION IN UZBEK LANGUAGE. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 8(5), 36–44. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/1918



Volume 8, No.5, May, 2019