Thanks to Independence, the language policy and language situation in the Republic of Karakalpakstan has changed dramatically since then, and there are great prospects for the free development and equality of languages of all peoples. Indeed, as in all regions, the people of Karakalpakstan have made unprecedented steps in their internal structure, their qualitative changes, and shifts in the ethnic strata of the population. As the Uzbek and Karakalpak languages are the state language in Karakalpakstan, the social functions of these languages have expanded. It has been widely used as a means of communication among people of different nationalities. The languages in the Karakalpakstan region were analyzed by dividing 1) the South - Uzbek language zone and (2) the north - the Karakalpak language zone. The Karakalpak, Kazakh, Turkmen and Russian-speaking population, which make up the majority of the population in the country, are fluent in Uzbek, in addition to their native language. Issues such as bipolar disorder in some places, individual bipolar disorder in some areas, multilingualism, where and in what regions they are encountered, are discussed in this article.
Keywords: a linguistic situation, a bilingual and polylingual conversation,a communication process, a socio-linguistic zone, karakalpak.
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