The article describes the essence of the creative mission of the great thinker Alisher Navoi, its literary and historical purpose, function, as well as the role of the image of Saki in the fulfillment of this mission. And in the formation and development of this great literary mission some priority problems of this particular environment were identified, of course, taking into account the influence of the spiritual and ideological environment of the time of the scholar. As a result, it becomes clear that one of the reasons for the wide application of the image of Saki in the work of the poet is associated with the elimination of the political, spiritual crisis in kingdom. It was found out that the creative, philosophical concept of the creator, which was promoted in this image, was aimed at forming national pride by raising the Turkic language, literature, which is considered as components of the spiritual environment, moral education and religious integrity, perfection, justice, faith, generosity issues, and also at eliminating various disagreements of the period. Each view put forward is based primarily on the creativity of the poet, as well as on the opinions of the great Navoi-scholars.
As a result, research comes to important scientific conclusions about the role of the Saki widely used in poet's creativity and many other images that are associated with him, such as spreading the concept of a perfect person to the whole country, raising society spiritually by raising language, literature, morality, religion, and forming a national spirit.
Keywords: Saki, wine, creative mission, literary and historical purpose, ideology, conflict, asceticism, drunkenness, moral crisis, language, literature, national pride, religion, morality, perfect man, justice.
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