
  • Sabit Syla


The fall of communism and break-up of Yugoslavia opened a new era in the history of Albanian people living in Kosovo. Following a hegemonic policy the Serbian leadership abolished the political autonomy of Kosovo, as a constitutive subject in Yugoslavian Federation, and usurped the political powers in Kosovo. The hopes for democracy and freedom seemed hopeless to Kosovo Albanians, particularly when Yugoslavian army started an armed invasion against other subjects in Yugoslavia. But the Kosovo Albanians were determined to defend their rights and freedom, denying to obey to Serbian rule. At the beginning the peaceful resistance seemed to be a sole alternative for Albanian people in Kosovo, but this changed later when new circumstances emerged.

Therefore, the article aims to elaborate the two alternatives that emerged: peaceful and armed struggle, their impact in political and military developments in Kosovo and involvement of international community during the last decade of century twentieth.

Keywords: Kosovo, Yugoslavia, autonomy, peaceful movement, armed resistance, etc.


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How to Cite

Syla, S. (2020). THE ALTERNATIVES TO RESOLVE THE QUESTION OF KOSOVO. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 9(6), 10–30. Retrieved from



Volume 9, No.6, June, 2020