The article deal with the problems of morpheme structure of the Uzbek language which has many complexities, with examples of the preservation of relict remains in suffixes. The study of languages in a comparative-historical aspect is one way of determining the right state of written monuments or modern living languages. It is in the process of this comparison that the ancient features of language are preserved in modern language, this linguistic remnant called as linguistic relics.
It also highlights the variation of morphorelective units and the linguistic phenomena that give rise to them, the ability of word-forming morphological units to form words that inherited from the ancient Turkic language as well as the development of languages continues in a way that absorbs their most ancient states in one way or another.
Characteristically, the modern form of language provides information not only about its current state, but also about its ancient features. On this issue, it is appropriate to divide the development of a language into high-synchronous and low-diachronic stages. At the upper, i.e., synchronous stage, a certain boundary really emerges only when approached based on the earlier characteristics of the language. Only when these two stages relate to each other in a consistent manner will it be possible to find solutions to the problematic situations in its modern state.
The principle of examining certain aspects of the modern form of language by linking it with its historical manifestations becomes the basis for determining a reliable diachronic foundation of language, the past and future of language cannot be studied separately. It is not up to the learner to decide. Hence, determining the synchronous structure of a language through its long past is the basis of dialectical cognition.
Uzbek is one of the oldest Turkic languages. It has gone through several stages of development on a regular basis as a living language to this day. No matter how much language develops, no matter how far it goes from its origin, it retains some of its oldest features, which may have partially or completely changed its appearance, but still retains historical-primitive-relicts.
The article highlights the morphological relicts preserved in the Uzbek language, their variation to the modern Uzbek literary language, the idea that the solution of existing problems at its level can be solved in relictolinguistic analysis.
Keywords: relict, etymology, variant, synharmonism, correlation, historical, non-productive, word-builder, productive suffix, turkology, formal shaping, word, suffix, plural suffixes.
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