
  • Manisha Singh Asst. Teacher (NKVI College) Lucknow


The writings of the Indian Diaspora have received a great deal of attention and critical acclaim throughout the world. Rohinton Mistry is a well renowned author in the contemporary commonwealth literature and occupies a significant place among the writers of Indian Diaspora. Even though he is settled in Canada; it is his upbringing in Mumbai that reflects in all his writings. The distinct Mumbai culture, particularly the Parsee way of life, the people of the city and even the politics of India are major themes in his novels. Rohinton Mistry as a writer of Diaspora has carved a niche for himself. His works such as: “Tales from Firozsha Baag”, “Such A Long Journey”, “A Fine Balance” and “Family Matters”; mark a new kind of writing, resulting from a fragmented, splintered world. As a Diasporic Parsi writer, very sensitively he has recalled his community’s journey through time and history with a sense of loss and nostalgia. His books portray diverse facets of Indian socioeconomic life; as well as Parsi Zoroastrian life, customs, and religion. Many of his writings are markedly “Indo-nostalgic”. Rohinton Mistry through his Diasporic discourse has well depicted his ancestral background, his community’s engaged situation in a metropolis like Bombay and his deep attachment with and nostalgia for a world gone by. In this paper an attempt has been made to delineate diasporic discourse in the works of Rohinton Mistry. Although he is obsessed with the colonial and postcolonial experiences in India, we can find some traces of Canada in his literature. His characters dream of being integrated into, and accepted by, Canadian society on the one hand and on the other hand, these same characters are torn by an insatiable desire to be true to their native culture; to honor and cherish their own, distinct cultural identity.

Keywords: Diaspora, Cultural identity, Contemporary Canadian literature, Parsi.


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How to Cite

Singh, M. (2021). ROHINTON MISTRY AS A DIASPORIC AUTHOR. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 10(9), pp.45–49. Retrieved from



Volume 10, No.9, September 2021