Anthropocentric linguistics is currently developing. In this branch of linguistics, a language is studied together with a person. Accordingly, issues such as language and nation, language and culture, language and mentality are some of the key concepts of anthropocentrism. Studying the interaction of language and mentality is also an important issue. The article examines the Uzbek language and the Uzbek mentality. The article examines both the problem of the Uzbek mentality in the Uzbek language and the influence of the Uzbek language on the Uzbek mentality. The author explains the interaction of language and mentality with examples from the Uzbek language. Thus, he came to the conclusion that the mentality of each nation is reflected in its language. Using examples, the author shows how the Uzbek language reflects modesty, hospitality and other features of the Uzbek mentality. He put forward the idea that is possible to learn the mentality of the Uzbeks by studying the Uzbek language.
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