
  • Remzije Cana Secondary High School “Xhelal Hajda-Toni”, Rahovec, Kosovo.


Albanian students have many difficulties when using English as the second/foreign language in the classroom. This study will be based on second language learning research (English) and only on speaking errors made from the 12th grade students of Secondary High School “Xhelal Hajda – Toni” in Rahovec, in terms of the most common mistakes. The main focus of the study is the elaboration of facts in: 1. mistakes students make when speaking; 2. Grammatical errors when learning English in the classroom environment; 3. To what extent the oral corrective reaction emotionally affects students learning English and how they react and respond to the spoken feedback process; 4. What is the role of correcting these grammatical errors in teaching, as well as how teachers will need to approach these errors when making them in the classroom environment; 5. Introducing techniques that can be used to control mistakes when speaking to students, a procedure that enables them to become more aware of the type of mistake they have made and thus how can they correct these mistakes by themselves.

Keywords: Grammatical errors, mistakes, performance errors, competence errors, etc.


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How to Cite

Cana, R. (2022). ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGICAL ERRORS DURING THE USE OF ENGLISH BY ALBANIAN STUDENTS: CAUSES AND IMPROVEMENTS (CORRECTIONS). ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(1), pp.25–31. Retrieved from



Volume 11, No.1, January 2022