Zëvendësimi dhe lidhja zëvendësuese në tekstin koheziv


  • Lutfije Cota


The central role of grammar in the study of language has become an established tenet of modern linguistics. Outside it the status of this subject has in recent decades been the subject of much controversy. Currently there is a movement which again recognizes the importance of grammar in general education. The fundamental purpose of the language is to make sense to communicate intelligibly. For this we need to share a single system of communication. The rules controlling the way a communication system works are known as its grammar and both sender and recipient need to use the same grammar if they are to understand each other. This work mentions the role and importance of grammar in foreign language teaching. It focuses especially on the need to change from artificial prescriptive grammar teaching to contextualized grammar instruction.

Fjalë kyçe: kohezion, tekst, zevendesim (pro form), anafore, katafore, perberes sintaksor.




How to Cite

Cota, L. (2015). Zëvendësimi dhe lidhja zëvendësuese në tekstin koheziv. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 4(1), 99–108. Retrieved from https://anglisticum.org.mk/index.php/IJLLIS/article/view/231



Volume 4, No.1, January 2015