Many factors influence the unemployment rate, including economic, social, political, and other factors. How a country fights unemployment and how successful it is also dependent on legal regulations, workforce training and mobility, and policies to encourage the employment of certain social groups, particularly those who, for one reason or another, have been discriminated against during employment and have limited or total access to the labor market. The study includes additional analyses of unemployment as well as the variables that affect unemployment reduction. The Republic of North Macedonia’s employment trends, the legal framework, which contains all the employment-related laws and regulations, the political programs put forth by the major political parties during the parliamentary elections - specifically the section relating to employment-related measures - have all been examined. A special emphasis has also been placed on the attitudes of the general public toward this issue. On this basis, information about the general foundation of the attitudes of citizens capable of working in the Republic of North Macedonia, the level of their trust in the institutions, and their views on policies have been gathered, too.
Keywords: economic and social factors, institutions, current policies, government.
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