
  • Hajri Mandri Albanian University, Tirana-Albania


Literary allegory, parable, structure of oral literature, metaphor stimulation, communication, fictional events.


The research importance is predetermined by the fact that parables, although they come from antiquity, still have great communicative value in all areas of life in our time. Although they are used everywhere as a simile to emphasize a certain message, there is little theoretical information on similes in literary discourse. The purpose of the article is to study the role of simile and situations when it is used as a literary allegory in discourse situations to understand their role in enriching public speech. The basis of the methodological approach in this research is a comprehensive systematic study based on a qualitative combination of theoretical research methods. In particular, analysis, synthesis (of syncretic elements of speech, creativity), abstraction, generalization, and interpretation, as well as descriptive and comparative. The theoretical and illustrative research method was applied for a detailed examination of allegorical metaphors. The results of this scientific research, as well as the conclusions formulated on their basis, are practical and have value for literary lecturers, philologists, lawyers, teachers, politicians and other specialists involved in the study of the features of public discourse. Literary allegories are powerful literary devices that use symbols and personifications to express deep and complex ideas or messages. This form of writing has been present since ancient times and has continued to be an important element in the literature. In this topic, we explore the essence of literary allegories, well-known examples of literary allegories, and how literary allegories are used to convey hidden and profound messages in classical and modern literature. Literary allegory is a literary technique that utilizes symbols, personifications, and fictional events to represent abstract ideas and messages. This form of writing is employed to express complex social, political, moral, and philosophical situations, using a hidden or symbolized dimension. In allegorical works, events and characters are presented as representations of a broader and deeper reality.


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How to Cite

Hajri Mandri. (2024). ALLEGORY AS THE FUNCTION OF LITERARY PARABLES. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 13(2), 25–30. Retrieved from



Volume 13, No. 2, May 2024