The Influence of Visual Media on the School Performance of Youth in City of Elbasan
Purpose: Finding ways how visual media affect school performance of young people. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire to a regional sample of 330 young participants, aged 14 to 18 years old. Exposure included: exposure time behavior for the screen (hour/day per week spent watching television/playing Videogames, internet) and variables for the content of the film (the ratio of the first films that are not allowed under 13 years old (movies PG-13) with those movies that are not allowed under 17 years old (movies-R). Result, by self reporting of youth for the grades taken at school and from their self-assessment of the situation in school. Results: Despite the basic performance of the school, the exposure screen time and media content had negative effects on school change performance. Screening of exposure had an indirect effect on poor performance in school. Watching more movies PG-13 and R had indirect effects on the poor performance in school.Watching R films also had an indirect effect on poor performance in school, through increased behavior problems in school. Results of the exposure time and ultimately the performance of the school were similar to those of the previous determinants including; family income, parental style, and 'self-control of youth'. Conclusions: These aspects of the use of visual media affect negatively at school performance by increasing feelings that may look for substance use and addictive problematic behavior in school.
Keywords: Visual media,, school performance, time on screen, Media content.
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